As oneworld®, the premier global airline alliance, celebrates its 25th anniversary, oneworld’s Chairman, its member airline CEOs and the alliance’s new CEO praised oneworld’s incredible growth and increasing customer relevance at a press briefing...

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oneworld Alliance 25th anniversary special event – December 2024
The oneworld Alliance culminated its milestone 25th anniversary year through a special event in London, alongside member airline colleagues, key partners, and valued customers.
Our event vision came to life at the stunning Frameless Immersive Art Experience, with guests getting to experience food and beverage inspired by member airline home countries, sitting and lounging in business class seats as if they’re at 35.000 feet, flying around the world with vibrant air-to-air scenes and more.
We’re proud to bring seamless travel and unforgettable journeys to millions of travellers around the world and look forward to a bright future, together.

Round the World journey with Gabriel Leigh and Flightradar24
We’ve teamed up with Gabriel Leigh and Flightradar24 for a unique trip around the world with oneworld member airlines, showcasing our fantastic RTW booking tool.
Leigh travelled over ten days on seven member airlines on this epic trip!
Discover how easy it is to plan your own global adventure with our RTW booking tool here on, where you can plan, book, and manage your trip all in one place. Watch Gabriel’s inspiring journey, below!
Autorizzato al decollo: oneworld presenta la sua campagna di marketing globale
oneworld® prende il volo con la sua nuova campagna di marketing mondiale, mentre continua a crescere nell’anno del suo 25º anniversario.
Rivolta ai viaggiatori giramondo di alto livello che si spostano per affari e per piacere, la campagna rappresenta la prima grande iniziativa dell’alleanza in cinque anni.
Con l’obiettivo di espandere la propria presenza a un nuovo pubblico a livello internazionale, l’ultima promozione di oneworld coinvolgerà oltre 40 milioni di viaggiatori in tutto il mondo fino all’inizio di dicembre, con una nuova pubblicità digitale in una serie di aeroporti chiave in tutto il mondo, compresi gli hub delle compagnie aeree membro.